Sunday, November 27, 2011

2011 Speech Festival

I took half day off from school on Thursday. Mummy took me to Chai Wan, where this year's Speech Festival took place. I had been preparing a poem to recite for nearly two months. It was a fun poem:

My appraisal
"All Wet"
by Tony Johnston.

Tommy had a water gun,
He squirted it at Jimmy,
At Jamie George and Jennifer,
and Katie Kim and Timmy.

He squirted Sally on the nose,
he squirted Molly on the toes,
he laughed and thought it lots of fun...
til Sammy got him with a hose.

I didn't win. :-( Mum said I spoke it too quickly; I didn't do any actions. The judge gave me 80 marks; the person who came first got 85 marks.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Prizegiving at school

Today was a special day at school. I was awarded a language prize by my teachers :-) Mummy, Gong-gong and Po-po all came to see me collect my prize. They took loads of pictures with Mum's camera, but now there's no trace of them anywhere. Someone must've deleted them (Mum says it's not her, but she knows who). Humpf!

The school reports came out last week too, and Mummy and Papa said they were very proud of me for getting 17 full marks on my report card (out of 20). They took me to the toy shop, and I got to choose my reward.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Turtle is dead

Turtle died on Wednesday. It happened in the night. We found him dead when I woke up. I was very upset. I was all alone when I got home from school; Shirley was preparing dinner. Dad found me crying when he came home, and promised we would bury him together. Dad put our friend in a box and put it in the fridge so that it wouldn't get too smelly.

Theodore said he had a plan for the burial. Today, after rugby training, we went to the park near our flat. Theodore chose a few spots and tried digging. It didn't work, so he found a spot under a hedge. Then he and Dad dug a hole; I helped scrape out the earth. When the hole was deep enough, Dad placed Turtle into the bottom. I helped cover him up with soil.

Theodore then wrote 'Turtle 2011 RIP" on a pair of wooden chopsticks, and drove it into the ground covering our dead pet. We cried; we were also bitten many times by mosquitos.
This is a map I drew of where we buried Turtle

Friday, January 7, 2011


Theodore and I went to see Uncle Roger last week. He had to make two temporary fillings in my teeth, again :-( I told him my front tooth was wobbly, and he also told me I had an eruption (sounds painful), and explained it meant a new tooth was pushing the old one out. He said it would take a month, but it came out in two weeks.

My front tooth was wobbly on the way home from school yesterday. I had it in  my hand when I got home, but I dropped it downstairs in the lift lobby, and couldn't find it. Papa, Theodore and I went back downstairs after dinner to look for it. Luckily, Theodore found it very quickly.

Papa told me to put the tooth under my pillow for the Tooth Fairy to find,  in the morning, I discovered $100 where my tooth was. :-)