Friday, January 18, 2013


Dad came to wake me up yesterday morning. It was his birthday, so I wished him 'sleepy birthday'. Then I heard someone in the room fart, so I wished him a 'farty birthday'.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I'm unhappy today. I scored 100 marks in my English dictation, but the teacher didn't give me a sticker. She told me that it was because I had forgotten my dictation book and had to do it on a piece of loose paper.

Dad was wondering why I scratched out the mark using a pencil. I started crying. I didn't much feel like doing any more homework tonight, and crawled into bed. Dad came into bed beside me, and tried to make me feel better. He told me he was very pleased with my result. I explained it to him I was sad because teacher didn't give me a sticker. He said he was happy with my 100 marks, but I wouldn't stop crying.

Dad told me its normal to have times when things go well. He said I will get 100 marks again soon enough, and that the important thing was to have learned a lesson and do better next time.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Dad took me to see Uncle Roger today. He booked the appointment after I visited the dentist with school and it was found I had some cavities Two of my permanent teeth received fillings, and that more were necessary.

Uncle Roger told Dad that the observations were true, but that there was no point fixing the milk teeth, because they will fall out eventually. He also said that one was so far gone that any attempt to fix it could result in abscesses and pain.

Mum wouldn't let me use the new electric toothbrush that Santa gave me for Christmas, but Dad asked Uncle Roger if he thought it was OK to use it. Dad was told that there were advantages to both manual and electric bruising, and I should use both methods. Now I have to brush my teeth twice a day. :-(